Authorization Form
I, as a responsible adult, commit to taking full responsibility for the minor under my care during their stay at NUBE CAFETERA ECO HOTEL. I understand that as a responsible adult, I am committed to ensuring the safety, well-being, and behavior of the minor in my care during their visit to NUBE CAFETERA ECO HOTEL. I commit to supervising the minor’s activities at all times while on hotel premises and to comply with the rules and regulations established by the hotel.
I understand that NUBE CAFETERA ECO HOTEL is an ecological and natural site intended for rest and relaxation, and that it features areas that may be hazardous for minors, such as stone pathways, stairs, jacuzzis, showers, wet floors, and high catamaran nets, among others. Therefore, I will ensure that the minor does not enter areas that may pose a risk or use elements that may threaten their integrity.
I understand that NUBE CAFETERA ECO HOTEL is a site that receives multiple guests, and I will prevent any misbehavior, damage, or excessive noise from the minor that may disturb other guests.
In case of any incident, emergency, or situation requiring special attention for the minor, I will immediately notify NUBE CAFETERA ECO HOTEL staff and follow their instructions to ensure the minor’s safety and well-being.
I understand that NUBE CAFETERA ECO HOTEL will not be held responsible for any incident, accident, or injury that may occur during the minor’s stay on its premises, in case the responsibility falls on the lack of supervision or care by the responsible adult. NUBE CAFETERA ECO HOTEL will be exempt from any liability.
I declare that I have read all the information provided in this document and accept all the conditions and responsibilities established herein.
As the reservation holder, I commit to taking full responsibility for my pet during their stay at NUBE CAFETERA ECO HOTEL. I accept and understand that I must comply with the rules and regulations established by the Eco Hotel for the care and behavior of my pet. Additionally, I commit to keeping my pet under control at all times, cleaning up and disposing of any waste they may generate, not leaving them alone in the exteriors or in the room, not allowing them to get on the bed, and preventing them from causing disturbances or damage to other guests or hotel staff.
I also take responsibility for any damage, injury, or incident that may be caused by my pet during their stay at the Eco Hotel, and I commit to indemnifying NUBE CAFETERA ECO HOTEL for any additional expenses that may arise from the presence of my pet.
I understand that failure to comply with any of the conditions established in this document may result in the immediate expulsion of my pet from the Eco Hotel, without the right to a refund for the stay.
I declare that I have read all the information provided in this document and accept all the conditions and responsibilities established herein.